ABH x JBH Party

Al-Baseer Holly x Jason of Beverly Hills Collab Finally Released 

On August 16, the celebration of the exclusive custom piece designed by Jewelry designer Jason Arasheben and Contemporary artist Al-Baseer Holly (Bonic) took place.  33 unique pieces were released.

The launch party took place as JBH Headquarters where complimentary appetizers, desserts, and cocktails were served. 

"We collaborated with artist, @theartofalbaseer to recreate his, 'What's a skull without a brain'— a homage to Basquiat," said Jason.

"The eyes represent Basquiat's vision while the brain represents his thoughtfulness in the art and the 3 is for 'the all seeing eye,' which is the definition of ABH's birth name "AL-Baseer Holly.'"

 One of lucky owners and  followers of Bonic's artwork was Brandon Jennings. 


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